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See All Units
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17.6 miles View in list
Up to 50% Off & First Month Free †
Free Move-in Truck
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[4].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 5, distance: 17.5763389369306, filtered: false, facility: 3534, small: 59.500000000, medium: 138.000000000, large: 275.500000000, vehicle: 0.0, minPrice: wl[4].minPrice, icon: { url: '/facilities/content/images/mapIcons/mapicon_square.png', labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(17, 17), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(35, 45) }, }); else masterList[4] = { position: { lat: 27.89273, lng: -82.51753 }, map: map, label: { text: '' + 5, color: 'white', fontSize: '18px', }, content: '
17.6 miles View in list
Up to 50% Off & First Month Free †
Free Move-in Truck
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[4].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 5, distance: 17.5763389369306, filtered: false, facility: 3534, small: 59.500000000, medium: 138.000000000, large: 275.500000000, vehicle: 0.0, minPrice: 59.500000000, }; wl[5] = { position: { lat: 27.56148, lng: -82.55524 }, viewed: true, filtered: false, minPrice: GetMinPriceJS(6, 10, 18.500000000, 55.000000000, 123.000000000, 96.000000000), display: 6, recordId: 6, sorted: 5, filters: ['small','medium','large','vehicle','cheap','cheap-small','cheap-medium','cheap-large','cheap-vehicle','climate-controlled','climate-controlled-small','climate-controlled-medium','climate-controlled-large','car','drive-up','drive-up-small','drive-up-medium','drive-up-large','drive-up-vehicle','heated','cooled','lockers'] }; mtaArr[5] = { position: { lat: 27.56148, lng: 82.55524 }, facility: 3826 }; if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined') masterList[5] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: { lat: 27.56148, lng: -82.55524 }, map: map, label: { text: GetMinPriceJS(6, 10, 18.500000000, 55.000000000, 123.000000000, 96.000000000), color: 'white', }, content: '
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[5].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 6, distance: 19.4178995052521, filtered: false, facility: 3826, small: 18.500000000, medium: 55.000000000, large: 123.000000000, vehicle: 96.000000000, minPrice: wl[5].minPrice, icon: { url: '/facilities/content/images/mapIcons/mapicon_square.png', labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(17, 17), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(35, 45) }, }); else masterList[5] = { position: { lat: 27.56148, lng: -82.55524 }, map: map, label: { text: '' + 6, color: 'white', fontSize: '18px', }, content: '
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[5].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 6, distance: 19.4178995052521, filtered: false, facility: 3826, small: 18.500000000, medium: 55.000000000, large: 123.000000000, vehicle: 96.000000000, minPrice: 18.500000000, }; wl[6] = { position: { lat: 27.54953, lng: -82.56561 }, viewed: true, filtered: false, minPrice: GetMinPriceJS(7, 10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), display: 7, recordId: 7, sorted: 6, filters: [''] }; mtaArr[6] = { position: { lat: 27.54953, lng: 82.56561 }, facility: 4985 }; if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined') masterList[6] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: { lat: 27.54953, lng: -82.56561 }, map: map, label: { text: GetMinPriceJS(7, 10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color: 'white', }, content: '
19.6 miles View in list
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[6].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 7, distance: 19.6278881157987, filtered: false, facility: 4985, small: 0.0, medium: 0.0, large: 0.0, vehicle: 0.0, minPrice: wl[6].minPrice, icon: { url: '/facilities/content/images/mapIcons/mapicon_square.png', labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(17, 17), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(35, 45) }, }); else masterList[6] = { position: { lat: 27.54953, lng: -82.56561 }, map: map, label: { text: '' + 7, color: 'white', fontSize: '18px', }, content: '
19.6 miles View in list
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[6].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 7, distance: 19.6278881157987, filtered: false, facility: 4985, small: 0.0, medium: 0.0, large: 0.0, vehicle: 0.0, minPrice: 79228162514264337593543950335, }; wl[7] = { position: { lat: 28.05482, lng: -82.73963 }, viewed: true, filtered: false, minPrice: GetMinPriceJS(8, 10, 67.000000000, 123.500000000, 263.900000000, 74.250000000), display: 8, recordId: 8, sorted: 7, filters: ['small','medium','large','vehicle','cheap','cheap-small','cheap-medium','cheap-large','climate-controlled','climate-controlled-small','climate-controlled-medium','climate-controlled-large','car','drive-up','drive-up-medium','drive-up-large','drive-up-vehicle','heated','cooled','lockers'] }; mtaArr[7] = { position: { lat: 28.05482, lng: 82.73963 }, facility: 3338 }; if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined') masterList[7] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: { lat: 28.05482, lng: -82.73963 }, map: map, label: { text: GetMinPriceJS(8, 10, 67.000000000, 123.500000000, 263.900000000, 74.250000000), color: 'white', }, content: '
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[7].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 8, distance: 19.8163713378038, filtered: false, facility: 3338, small: 67.000000000, medium: 123.500000000, large: 263.900000000, vehicle: 74.250000000, minPrice: wl[7].minPrice, icon: { url: '/facilities/content/images/mapIcons/mapicon_square.png', labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(17, 17), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(35, 45) }, }); else masterList[7] = { position: { lat: 28.05482, lng: -82.73963 }, map: map, label: { text: '' + 8, color: 'white', fontSize: '18px', }, content: '
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[7].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 8, distance: 19.8163713378038, filtered: false, facility: 3338, small: 67.000000000, medium: 123.500000000, large: 263.900000000, vehicle: 74.250000000, minPrice: 67.000000000, }; wl[8] = { position: { lat: 27.921, lng: -82.49311 }, viewed: true, filtered: false, minPrice: GetMinPriceJS(9, 10, 159.000000000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), display: 9, recordId: 9, sorted: 8, filters: ['small','cheap','cheap-small','climate-controlled','climate-controlled-small','heated','cooled','lockers'] }; mtaArr[8] = { position: { lat: 27.921, lng: 82.49311 }, facility: 4306 }; if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined') masterList[8] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: { lat: 27.921, lng: -82.49311 }, map: map, label: { text: GetMinPriceJS(9, 10, 159.000000000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color: 'white', }, content: '
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[8].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 9, distance: 19.8517248770165, filtered: false, facility: 4306, small: 159.000000000, medium: 0.0, large: 0.0, vehicle: 0.0, minPrice: wl[8].minPrice, icon: { url: '/facilities/content/images/mapIcons/mapicon_square.png', labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(17, 17), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(35, 45) }, }); else masterList[8] = { position: { lat: 27.921, lng: -82.49311 }, map: map, label: { text: '' + 9, color: 'white', fontSize: '18px', }, content: '
See All Units
', disableAutoPan: true, title: wl[8].minPrice, viewed: true, recordId: 9, distance: 19.8517248770165, filtered: false, facility: 4306, small: 159.000000000, medium: 0.0, large: 0.0, vehicle: 0.0, minPrice: 159.000000000, }; var boroughs = new Array("brooklyn", "bronx", "manhattan", "queens", "long island", "long island city"); var localCity = "treasure-island"; var city = (localCity == null ? "" : localCity.replaceAll("-", " ")); if (city !== '' && (city.toLowerCase() == "new york" || city.toLowerCase() == "new york city" || boroughs.includes(city.toLowerCase())) && ($(".mta-icons").length === 0)) { for (let i = 0; i < mtaArr.length; i++) { var mtaWorker = new Worker("/facilities/Scripts/MtaApp.js"); var idx = i; mtaWorker.postMessage(["setHost", "https://www.cubesmart.com/"]); mtaWorker.postMessage(["loadMarkers", mtaArr, idx]); mtaWorker.postMessage(["loadStops"]); mtaWorker.onmessage = function (event) { switch (event.data.Command) { case "loadStops": if (event.data.Data != "Pending") { let jsonData = JSON.parse(event.data.Data); let fac = event.data.facility; if (jsonData && jsonData.data && jsonData.data.length > 0) { let rec = jsonData.data[0]; let dayTimeRoutesArr = rec.DaytimeRoutes.split(' '); for (let j = 0; j < dayTimeRoutesArr.length; j++) { $("#mtaTrains-" + fac).append(''); } $("#mtaStations-" + fac).text(rec.StopName); } mtaWorker.terminate(); } } } } } mapWorker.postMessage(["pageSize", 10]); mapWorker.postMessage(["loadMarkers", wl]); for(var i = 0; i < masterList.length; i++) { if (typeof (google) !== 'undefined') { var mrk = masterList[i]; google.maps.event.addListener(masterList[i], 'click', function () { var detail = { 'detail': { 'index': this.recordId, 'facitlityId': this.facility} }; openMarkerById(this.recordId); return false; }); google.maps.event.addListener(masterList[i], 'mouseover', function () { toggleFacilityByMarker(this.recordId, 'new'); return false; }); google.maps.event.addListener(masterList[i], 'mouseout', function () { toggleFacilityByMarker(this.recordId, 'old'); return false; }); } markers.push(masterList[i]); if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined' && i < recordsPerPage) { markerPostions.extend(masterList[i].getPosition()); } } if (typeof(google) !== 'undefined' && markerPostions.getNorthEast().equals(markerPostions.getSouthWest())) { var extendPoint1 = new google.maps.LatLng(markerPostions.getNorthEast().lat() + 0.03, markerPostions.getNorthEast().lng() + 0.03); var extendPoint2 = new google.maps.LatLng(markerPostions.getNorthEast().lat() - 0.03, markerPostions.getNorthEast().lng() - 0.03); markerPostions.extend(extendPoint1); markerPostions.extend(extendPoint2); } if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined' ) map.fitBounds(markerPostions); limit(); } function ShowMarkers(showMarkers) { if(1==1 /*_mapIsLoaded && google !== undefined && google != null*/) { var sgi = 0; for(var i = 0; i < showMarkers.length; i++) { var mark = masterList[showMarkers[i].id - 1]; //$('#pageData .listItem[record=' + mark.recordId + '] .map-point-number').html('' + showMarkers[i].label); $('#pageData .listItem[record=' + mark.recordId + ']').attr('ordinal', i+1); var rec = $("#pageData .listItem" + mark.recordId); if(rec != null) { rec.removeClass('hidden'); if (i == 1 || (i-1) % 3 == 0) { var sgt = "" + sizeGuideText; sgt.replace("\"ordinal\"=\"1\"", "\"ordinal\"=\"" + (++sgi) + "\""); rec.prepend(sizeGuideText); } } mark.label.text = '' + showMarkers[i].label; if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined') { mark.icon.path = null; mark.icon.url = '/facilities/content/images/mapIcons/mapicon_square.png'; mark.icon.labelOrigin = new google.maps.Point(17, 17); mark.icon.scaledSize = new google.maps.Size(35, 45); mark.setMap(null); mark.setMap(map); } mark.viewed = true; } UpdateStateSpacing(); } }
Not sure what size you need?
Self storage FAQs
What size storage unit do I need?
Read through our size guide to see the storage units sizes we offer and determine which one is right for you. Choosing the right size unit will ensure that you only pay for the storage you need. We offer a wide range of sizes to accommodate your storage needs, from 5×5, or 25 square feet, to 10×30, or 300 square feet.* You can also contact one of our store teammates—they can help guide you to the right storage unit size for your needs.
*Sizes are approximate.
Do I need climate-controlled storage in #CITY#, #STATE#?
Climate-controlled storage units help keep temperature-sensitive items at an even temperature in cool or hot climates. We recommend using climate-controlled storage for extra peace of mind when storing items like art, furniture, textiles, paper products, and more.
* CubeSmart uses reasonable efforts to maintain a Climate-controlled temperature in the building where the Cube is located of between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The climate Controlled-control storage units may be accomplished through any type of system including, without limitation, “swamp coolers.”
Are there indoor self-storage units available in #CITY#, #STATE#?
Unit availability varies by location but a simple way to search for indoor self storage is to filter for “climate-controlled” storage units. Check out climate-controlled units for #CITY#, #STATE#.
What outdoor self-storage units are available in #CITY#, #STATE#?
Unit availability varies by location but a simple way to search for outdoor self-storage is to filter for “drive-up” storage units. Check out our drive-up storage units in #CITY#, #STATE#. If you are looking to store or park a vehicle like an RV, boat, motorcycle, or car you can see our vehicle storage options in #CITY#, #STATE# here.
How do I use self storage?
Self storage can be used for many purposes:
- As a temporary home for your things while you move…and many more!
- To store seasonal items such as decorations or sports equipment.
- As an extension of your home and a place to store seldom-used items.
- As a business storage solution to de-clutter your office or store inventory or equipment.
First, make a list of what you want to store, and determine whatsize storage unityou need. Don’t forget to think about additional amenities likeclimate control, and drive-up access. Book your CubeSmart unit online at no cost or commitment, complete your reservation, and move in!
You’ll need to provide identification: a state-issued ID card, driver’s license, passport, or military ID. All that’s left to do is move in your stuff!
What features do CubeSmart storage facilities in #CITY#, #STATE# have?
Whether you are planning a move, need to create added room to store business inventory, CubeSmart in #CITY# offers local storage solutions big and small to fit every situation and budget. With climate-controlled storage units of varying size for rent, we can help you to store whatever you need.
#CITY#, #STATE# Storage Facility Features*:
- Furniture Storage Space
- Climate Controlled Storage Spaces
- Covered, Dry Boat Storage Units
- Drive-up Storage Units
- Small to Large Storage Unit Selections
- Vehicle Storage, Cars, RVs, Motorcycles, etc.
- Moving & Storage Supplies
National Accounts
Does your business need multiple storage units within a region or across the country? We’ll find the facilities you need and provide unified billing for your rentals. Learn how we can help your company improve productivity by contacting our national accounts team.
Commercial Storage
Looking for something more than traditional self-storage? Our flexible commercial spaces provide the perfect opportunity to grow your business. Learn more about our retail, office, warehouse and flex-warehouse solutions.
*Available at select storage facilities. Cannot reserve Commercial spaces online, please contact the local store for details
Why CubeSmart is Better?
Convenient & hassle free reservation process!
We know you have options when it comes to self storage near #CITY#. That’s why we want you to know about all the great things CubeSmart has to offer. We offer premium storage units at affordable prices along with helpful services like flexible leases, convenient access, and 24-hour video recording. In addition to clean storage facilities and friendly store teammates, you can purchase packing supplies right in our stores.
Searching for self-storage options in #CITY#, #STATE#? CubeSmart in #CITY# is committed to providing customers with award-winning customer service, innovative storage solutions, and genuine care. We believe in making your storage experience as simple as possible, so we always strive to offer affordable rates and quality storage solutions.
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